Wednesday, August 26, 2015

QB Battles Heat Up In Camp Part 3

QB Battle Heats Up In Camp Part 3

So here we go with part three of my series on who is going to be the starting QB this year for the Gamecocks. In the last two parts of this story we looked at Connor Mitch and Michael Scarnecchia.

Steve Spurrier has yet to feel comfortable with naming a starting QB, I take that has no one has impressed him enough thus far. With less than two weeks remaining Spurrier said after their most recent scrimmage he hopes to name a starter soon.

The third QB I want to look at is true freshman Lorenzo Nunez. The only experience he brings to the playing field is this summer’s camp. As a high school senior he lead the Hoyas of Kennesaw, GA to a 5-6 season throwing for 803 yards and rushing for 1,193 yards. ranked him as a 4 star dual threat QB. At 6’3” 210 lbs. he has the size and speed to compete on this level. He has apparently impressed Steve Spurrier enough for the Gamecocks not to redshirt him his freshman season.

So the question remains, who is going to start at QB this season for the Gamecocks? The most experienced QB is Connor Mitch with 10 pass attempts. The least experienced QB is Lorenzo Nunez who has been on campus for a few months. When looking at the scenario in front of us, my opinion is as follows. The starting QB is going to be Connor Mitch with a short leash. If he struggles be prepared to see Scarnecchia followed by Nunez. It’s not out of the realm to see all three play in the same game. In fact, there are rumors that Nunez will be used as the wild-cat QB this year. Go Gamecocks!


No Author. (2015). Retrieved August 22, 2015 from

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