Friday, October 16, 2015

PR Professional Interview

Public Relations Professional Interview
With Robert Napper

By: Andrew Hobbs

Introduction: Robert Napper is a Public Relations specialist with the state of Florida's largest family law firm, Ayo & Iken. Mr. Napper has an extensive background in both Journalism and Public Relations. 

1.  How did you get to where you are today?

Tenacity and refusing to quit even when it seems breaking into your field will never happen, and the belief that no job is beneath you in getting the experience needed to get ahead. I studied journalism and public relations at East Carolina University and started a career in journalism for a small community newspaper in Tampa. It was an excellent way for a young professional to cut his teeth. I then went on to write for larger papers such as the Tampa Tribune and Tampa Bay Times. My experience dealing with public relations professionals peaked my interest in that field and led me to seek employment in that area which landed me a position promoting the law firm of Ayo & Iken.  

2.  What advice would you give someone wanting to follow a similar path?

I have been successful in two fields – journalism and marketing/public relations – which are extremely competitive. Many people think, including myself as youngster, believe they are a naturally solid writers or persuaders, the two areas I believe are the most important to success in public relations, and that may be the case. But hard work and practice are still the avenues I think lead to lasting in very tough businesses.  

3.  What is your typical day like?

Writing and networking from the start of the day to finish. I spend my days               engaging the attorneys in our firm to discuss and point to the pressing legal issues of the day in order to come up with engaging marketing and writing to generate interest in Ayo & Iken attorneys and the firm’s website.

4.     What are the most important skills you use on a regular basis?

I believe that strong writing is the most important skill in which you should seek perfection. In these times of instant electronic gratification, there are fewer professionals with a strong grasp that writing remains a main way people communicate. A poorly written press release or email seeking to network will always land in two places: in somebody’s trash can or deleted email bin.

5.     What do you like most/least about your current position?

I love to communicate with new people and pick their brains about areas they may be experts in but I am not. I love that public relations and journalism are arenas where the learning curve is constant.

6.     Which professional or trade organizations do you recommend connecting with?

I really like the Public Relations Society of America. It provides a lot of avenues for contacts, job openings, and information on improving your grasp of public relations fundamentals.

7.     What do you read to stay current in your field?

I read several newspapers each day for the latest news and often business information that is relevant. I also read a lot of legal websites to gather information for my field.  

8.     What do you know now that you wish you would have known earlier in your career?

I wish in starting out I would have spent more time seeking internships and more experience early on, even if they are unpaid. Sometimes sacrificing for the short haul can mean long term professional experience and contacts that will open doors.

9.     What methods of communications do you use to reach the public and how are they effective?

Email, telephone, and in-person networking at things like trade shows or chamber functions are always my bread and butter. I think email is very effective in introducing yourself while giving someone time to not feel pressured and decide on what you are offering is for them. With that said, email can also be a way to get your ideas or services in front of someone numerous times without being abrasive.

10. How has your public relations practice affected the reputation of the organization and/or clients?

I think my work for Ayo & Iken is making its public presence one of professionalism online and creating content that is different then anything in the legal market for people to consume, learn about our attorneys, and hopefully hire the firm.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

If your not a Buccaneers season pass member, you’ll wish you were.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are making some serious changes to the fan experience. More importantly, the fan that holds a season pass will experience first ever NFL fan opportunities. The season pass member will receive special privileges that the ordinary fan wont be able to experience    

The Buccaneers, in addition to making upgrades in all parking areas and creating unique tailgating atmospheres are building a 15 million dollar building for season pass members only that’s will house pre and post game activities. These activities will entertain adults and children. One of the more notable activities is the virtual reality simulator. There will also be a state of the art social media club that will give fans an area to come pre, during, or post game to follow all of their fantasy football needs. There will be upgraded food and bar experiences, along with cheerleader and mascot appearances on a regular basis. For the hot summer days pass members can relax inside the air-conditioned building or on the outside in the tropical oasis pool area pre, during, & post game.

Once inside the stadium the fun doesn’t stop for pass members. Pass members will have an exclusive area in the opposite end zone of the pirate ship. This area will include VIP seats with personal wait staff and upgraded food and alcohol selections. In addition, pass members will be treated to exclusive discounts on merchandise in brand new shopping areas.

This blog post is for homework purposes and unfortunately is not real. 

Content Creation for a Public-Relations Campaign

Video: To use within the news release

Photos: To use within the news release


Bender, K. (2015). Tampa Bay Buccaneers Kerry Bender Fan 4Life #ItsABucsLife. Youtube. Retrieved October 11, 2015 from

Tampa Sports Authority, (N.D.). PHOTO. Raymond James Stadium (Home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers). Retrieved October 11, 2015 from

Wright, A. (N.D.). PHOTO. Buccaneers Pirate Ship. Retrieved October 11, 2015 from

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Current Event Assignment

For this assignment I wanted to take a look at a fairly recent postponement between the Baltimore Orioles and the Chicago Whitesox. The game was scheduled to take place on April 27th in Baltimore at Camden Yards. The game was postponed due to safety concerns for fans because of riots that broke out in the city of Baltimore near Camden Yards. The riots started following the funeral of Freddy Gray. 

Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred made the following statement "We feel like we made the decision that would provide us the greatest possible security in terms of protecting the fans, the players, the umpires, everybody involved in the game." It's not very often MLB games get postponed outside of weather. In fact in Baltimore, there has never been a postponement outside of weather. The last game that was postponed due to riots was in 1992 when four L.A. Dodgers games were cancelled.

I absolutely agree with postponing the game in Baltimore due to riots. Sports in general is a place where fans go for entertainment and to have a good time. Anytime there is violence that could potentially injure fans, players, or officials it will always be ok in my opinion to postpone a game. If Major League Baseball would not have postponed the game in Baltimore there could have been thousands of fans subject to violence and injury. The location of Camden Yards is located downtown Baltimore within blocks of where the riots were happening. 

References: (2015). Retrieved September 10, 2015 from

Delatorre, M. (2015). Retrieved September 10, 2015 from

- Andrew

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

QB Battles Heat Up In Camp Part 3

QB Battle Heats Up In Camp Part 3

So here we go with part three of my series on who is going to be the starting QB this year for the Gamecocks. In the last two parts of this story we looked at Connor Mitch and Michael Scarnecchia.

Steve Spurrier has yet to feel comfortable with naming a starting QB, I take that has no one has impressed him enough thus far. With less than two weeks remaining Spurrier said after their most recent scrimmage he hopes to name a starter soon.

The third QB I want to look at is true freshman Lorenzo Nunez. The only experience he brings to the playing field is this summer’s camp. As a high school senior he lead the Hoyas of Kennesaw, GA to a 5-6 season throwing for 803 yards and rushing for 1,193 yards. ranked him as a 4 star dual threat QB. At 6’3” 210 lbs. he has the size and speed to compete on this level. He has apparently impressed Steve Spurrier enough for the Gamecocks not to redshirt him his freshman season.

So the question remains, who is going to start at QB this season for the Gamecocks? The most experienced QB is Connor Mitch with 10 pass attempts. The least experienced QB is Lorenzo Nunez who has been on campus for a few months. When looking at the scenario in front of us, my opinion is as follows. The starting QB is going to be Connor Mitch with a short leash. If he struggles be prepared to see Scarnecchia followed by Nunez. It’s not out of the realm to see all three play in the same game. In fact, there are rumors that Nunez will be used as the wild-cat QB this year. Go Gamecocks!


No Author. (2015). Retrieved August 22, 2015 from